[Episode 01] Ueda Reina's Box of Secrets

First episode for Ueshama’s new radio!

Radio twitter: https://twitter.com/himi2bako

Lines marked with * are lines where I’m unsure about the translation

[1] It’s a pun in Japanese and Ueshama loves puns.
[2] TrySail is a girl group with Amamiya Sora, Asakura Momo, and Natsukawa Shiina, who are also seiyuu.
[3] Kousaka Umi is the character Ueshama voices in Idolmaster.

[4] The word she used here is 番長 which refers to the leader of a group of delinquents.

上田麗奈のひみつばこ 2020年3月31日

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  1. 5:31 Starts a new radio program but doesn’t want to talk lol.
    19:22 lawl

    It looks like she wasn’t prepared for the new show, I didn’t expect her to actually cry. Still, looking forward to this show and Ueshama. Good job with subbing!

  2. Thanks for your hard work
    It's great to see her solo radio starting off with those pure emotions, just showing how sweet she is. Also nice to hear her change through time, how she has grown up in both her career and her life.
    Hope to see her keep growing day by day and being sweet always.

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