【組曲】花譜×佐倉綾音 #92.5「あさひ」【オリジナルMV】




Director:TOS, reika(A4A)
CG Design:reika(A4A)
Assistant Director:Ayako Takahashi(A4A)
CG Animation:Tohjak Inc.
Director of Photography:Mami Koyama
Costume Design:Ryosuke Matsui(ha | za | ma)
Camera Assistant:Tatsuya Hirama(Achrittz)
Lighting Director:Masaki Fujita
Lighting Assistant:Shiina Tomari
Production Manager:Honami Aratani, Ryosuke Matsuda, Mariko Moriguchi(OKNAC)

Executive Producer:PIEDPIPER

『僕のヒーローアカデミア』麗日お茶子役をはじめ、『新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン』速杉ハヤト役など、人気作品のキャラクターを多く演じている。第12回声優アワードでは、「助演女優賞」と「パーソナリティ賞」をダブル受賞。


■CD&GOODS オフィシャルサイト

Digital Single「イマジナリーフレンド」(2021.11.17 Release)
Digital Single「鏡よ鏡」(2021.10.27 Release)
Digital Single「海に化ける」(2021.6.30 Release)
Digital Single「例えば」
2nd Album「魔法」(2020.11.25 Release)
Kizuna AI×花譜 Single「愛と花」(2020.9.23 Release)
2nd EP「花と解答」(2020.7.22 Release)
Single「戸惑いテレパシー」(2020.6.10 Release)
Remix Album「観測γ」(2019.12.25 Release)
1st Album「観測」(2019.9.11 Release)
Single夜が降り止む前に(2019.6.28 Release)
1st EP「花と心臓」(2019.5.15 Release)
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/virtual_kaf/
Twitter https://twitter.com/virtual_kaf/


  1. 花譜ももう大学生になる年齢

  2. MVの光の表現や雰囲気と、二人の語りや歌声の表現が個々に引き立っていたり、重なり合わり交わってキラキラしている感じが万華鏡を覗いてるみたいだなと思いました。とても素敵な一曲をありがとうございます!

  3. 佐倉綾音さん歌手活動とかしてないのが勿体ないくらい歌上手いですよね。アニメキャラとかじゃなく佐倉綾音さんとして歌ってるのはすごく珍しいのでこのMVは国宝級です。

  4. 花譜ちゃんと佐倉さんの相性はすごく最高です,もしよかったら,いつかReoNaさんとコラボお願いします

  5. 良い具合の声音の違い。

  6. English Translation Lyrics:

    KAF [花譜] : The chilly wind was comfortable.

    AYANE [綾音] : The lights in the residential area are like fireflies.

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : Your shoulder collided with me and I looked at you unintentionally.

    AYANE [綾音] : Ah, after all

    KAF [花譜] : I like you

    KAF [花譜] : On this one night in this world

    AYANE [綾音] : The warmth of you and I shook.

    KAF [花譜] : I’m happy, in this world

    AYANE [綾音] : I wish I could continue like this, forever

    KAF [花譜] : Rather then be out of the group

    It’s better to keep pace with everyone.

    That’s probably the best life.

    “That’s why you’re scared.”

    AYANE [綾音] : It’s a stereotype.

    Who likes the same clothes and music as everyone else.

    I’m glad I was an ordinary girl

    “That’s why you’re scared.”

    KAF [花譜] : Your words, will repeat in my heart
    AYANE [綾音] : You notice your affection

    KAF [花譜] : God
    AYANE [綾音] : These feelings

    KAF [花譜] : Tell me if you made a mistake
    AYANE [綾音] : Tell me if you have the correct answer

    KAF [花譜] : I was convinced by
    AYANE [綾音] : I questioned

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : Your touching breath

    KAF [花譜] : Your burning skin
    AYANE [綾音] : I touch your hand

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : the magic of the night,

    AYANE [綾音] : turns red

    KAF [花譜] : I like you
    AYANE [綾音] : I like you

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : With those words, let’s kiss

    With a blessing to an uncertain future

    KAF [花譜] : We don’t know anything

    What will happen in the future

    I love that frustration

    “The morning sun doesn’t ascend”

    AYANE [綾音] : Who are we

    I have a different feeling from those around me

    The only ones who will admit are you and this night

    “The morning sun doesn’t ascend”

    KAF [花譜] : Emotions
    AYANE [綾音] : Overlapping

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : The fate of this night

    KAF [花譜] : Forever and ever
    AYANE [綾音] : Forever and ever

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : I wish it was an eternity.

    KAF [花譜] : We became a revolution
    AYANE [綾音] : This time

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : To give you a smile

    KAF [花譜] : Your swaying hair
    AYANE [綾音] : I touch your hand

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : Our burning cheeks

    AYANE [綾音] : Illuminate the night

    KAF [花譜] : God
    AYANE [綾音] : This feeling

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] :Is this allowed? Let’s kiss

    With a blessing to an uncertain future

    KAF [花譜] : ”Can we laugh and live?”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”Can we live in pride?”

    KAF [花譜] : ”I’m scared, the fear won’t stop”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”Is this feeling blessed?”

    KAF [花譜] : ”Everything may be wrong”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”The only person who can forgive this, is one person.”

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : ”You’re the only one”

    KAF [花譜] : ”Imagine prejudice and discrimination.”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”It will become commonplace from now on”

    KAF [花譜] : ”What is the correct answer and what is the wrong answer.”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”Are we the correct answer?”

    KAF [花譜] : ”Can I bear it for you?”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”Can I stand up for you?”

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : ”Can I love you not for myself but for your sake?”

    KAF [花譜] : ”We have this love”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”How do you live with this feeling?”

    KAF [花譜] : ”I’m scared of that”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”I’m scared”

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : ”This feeling is real”

    KAF [花譜] : ”Only love is certainly there, just equal.”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”Equally, surely, simply, humorously.”

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : ”The rising sun”

    KAF [花譜] : I love you

    AYANE [綾音] : I love you

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : Saying I love you

    KAF [花譜] : How many times would you be relieved
    AYANE [綾音] : How many times would I be happy

    AYANE [綾音] : ”Society and the world will laugh at us eventually.”

    KAF [花譜] : ”We don’t know how to counter it.”

    AYANE [綾音] : ”We may lose”

    KAF [花譜] : ”Because we are weak and fickle creatures.”

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : But now, only now, only this warmth

    KAF [花譜] : is like eternity
    AYANE [綾音] : even today at night

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : killed by the morning sun.

    KAF [花譜] : I touched you
    AYANE [綾音] : overlapping hands

    KAF [花譜] : illuminating everything
    AYANE [綾音] : that’s dear.

    KAF [花譜] : We
    AYANE [綾音] : to society today

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : but again to the night of only two people

    KAF [花譜] : It’s alright
    AYANE [綾音] : It won’t set

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : because there is no sun

    KAF [花譜] : This night
    AYANE [綾音] : at the end

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : we’ll see a dream

    KAF [花譜] & AYANE [綾音] : Let’s kiss.

    With a blessing to an uncertain future

    With a wish

    AYANE [綾音] : Then

    KAF [花譜] : see you.

  7. 花譜さんと佐倉さんがサビの高音パートを交互に歌っているところが「2人で1つ」

  8. 花譜とあやねるはもう目と耳の保養……最高でしかない…世界観も凄く好きだし、2人にもマッチしてる……

  9. The Song is Nice. 2:00
    1:02 But this MV will be a lot better if KAF wear Yukata & did this in different location than this dusty yellow room. 3:05 4:00

    5:50 honestly all those yellow colour does not suit her at all.
    and 3D Yukata would look great in some of KAF future MV.

  10. まるで一本のミュージカル映画を見ているようで、ただ、素敵だなぁ…それしか出てこなかった

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